Lesson 1 — Posting Stories

Basics of logging into the website, going to the admin area, adding a new post and creating a new story (in web terms these are called blogs or posts). In succeeding lessons, you'll learn how to create galleries, add images and really spruce up your...
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Lesson 2 — Feature Thumbnails

When visitors to the website see an excerpt of your story, a small thumbnail to the left of it can entice them to read what you've posted. Learn how easy it is to create a "feature image" to use for your story's...
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Lesson 3 — Galleries & Images

Once you published your story and added a thumbnail, now's the time to get really creative and add a gallery of images and use it to build a spectacular slideshow right into the the...
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Lesson 5 — Add a Google Map

As a final step in completing your story, why not add a Google Map? It's not only easy to do but will definitely help add...
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