Gaviota Coast Draft Plan Hearings

Gaviota Coast Drafr Plan Hearing

Trails Council Exhibits at County Administration Building


Protect Gaviota Coast Public Access

The Santa Barbara County Planning Commission hearings held on June 11th and 26th addressed the Recreation section of the draft Gaviota Coast Plan, which will in effect set trail policy along the Gaviota Coast for the next couple of decades. The hearings were an opportunity for community members to speak in support of the positive aspects of the draft Gaviota Coast Plan, as well as, point out the need to take into consideration the interests of county residents who are users of the formal and informal access points along the coast.

The Trail Council is continuing its grassroots campaign to insure that the Planning Commissioners are made aware of the importance of coastal access and coastal blufftop trails to all residents of Santa Barbara County. Below is a list of key points that we are advocating for as the draft plan works its way towards adoption.

Your Help is Needed

Your input is needed now so that future generations can enjoy a near-shore trail and secured coastal access.  Please  send a personal message so that the commissioners will hear your voice. To make it a little bit easier we have posted a suggested email to send to the Planning Commission. Download a Gaviota Coast map showing informal access points (PDF).

Here are seven key points for Planning Commission consideration:

  1. Consistent with State policy, the California Coastal Trail should be sited “as close as physically and aesthetically feasible to shoreline”
  2. Protect existing informal access points and develop new access locations such as Gaviota Marine Terminal, Paradiso del Mare, Naples and Las Varas Ranch
  3. Expand the number of foothill trails under consideration including Las Varas Ranch, Las Flores Canyon and Brinkman
  4. Identify areas planned for acquisition for parks or open space- (e.g., Naples bluff top south of UPRR, Brinkman)
  5. Include regulatory and incentive based tools to acquire new trails and open space; direct P&D staff to review and incorporate Trails Council suggestions
  6. Adopt a strong policy framework that actively promotes protection and expansion of public access and recreation; direct P&D staff to review and incorporate Trails Council suggested policies
  7. Don’t put off programs; initiate regulatory and incentive based tools now as part of the draft Plan to guide development during the 3-4 year long adoption process.

Why do you think it is important to include the informal view spots and coastal access points in the Gaviota Plan?

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