County of Santa Barbara | Parks Division

610 Mission Canyon Road, Santa Barbara, CA 93105

Parks Division

The Santa Barbara County Community Services Department – Parks Division has a long standing history of providing outstanding outdoor recreation opportunities.  We are proud to offer the full range of activities with our day use parks, beaches, pools, group areas, trails, on & off leash dog parks, open spaces, campgrounds and our largest facility Cachuma Lake Recreation Area. The County of Santa Barbara park system has 24 day use parks, 2 camping parks, 45 open spaces and 12 beach areas for a grand total of 8,595 acres.

Santa Barbara County Trail System

Santa Barbara County Open Spaces & Preserves

County Riding & Hiking Trails Advisory Committee

The County Riding and Hiking Trails Advisory Committee (CRAHTAC) was established by the Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors in an advisory capacity to review programs, policies and procedures affecting county recreational riding and hiking trails and their use. Committee members are concerned with the location, development and maintenance of the recreational trails system countywide, to provide public access and links to the Los Padres National Forest, parks, beaches, and other public recreation areas. The committee is comprised of a maximum four members from each of the five Supervisorial Districts, and serve at the pleasure of the appointing Supervisor. CRAHTAC meets regularly on a bi-monthly schedule.

sbcountyparks.png 12 years ago
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Showing 1 result
City of Santa Barbara
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The Trails Council works with the City of Santa Barbara to maintain trails. Explore Santa Barbara...
City of Goleta
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In August 2012, Trails Council and the City of Goleta agreed to a memo of undrstanding for the de...
U. S. Forest Service
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The Trails Council is working with the U. S. Forest Service to build a 3.5 mile long trail segmen...
California State Parks
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The Trails Council is partnering with the Channel Coast District, Santa Barbara Sector (El Capita...
National Parks Service
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The National Park Service Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance program extends and expands...
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