James S. Bower Foundation
http://www.jsbowerfoundation.org/ Phone: 805-564-8814 We will have one funding cycle in 2018, and will accept initial proposals through our website from June 1, 2018 until June 30, 2018
June G. Outhwaite Charitable Trust
Your grant application must be completed and posted on our MicroEdge Gifts website no later than 5:00pm (PDT) July 31, 2018. Please submit your questions to tori@nullouthwaitefoundation.org http://www.outhwaitefoundation.org/ 26 W. Anapamu Street, Suite #103 Santa Barbara, CA 93101-3144 Phone: 805.560.0841 All grants must serve one of the following categories in Santa Barbara County: Wildlife and Natural […]