Trails & Tacos | Latino Conservation Week | 2018

JOIN US on July 14th for our celebration of Latino Conservation Week: Disfrutando y Conservando Nuestra Tierra.

Latino Conservation Week was created to support the Latino community getting into the outdoors and participating in activities to protect our natural resources. We are joining organizations throughout the country who are working to bring awareness to Latino support for conservation.

This year Santa Barbara County Trails Council and Los Padres ForestWatch are organizing a TRAILS & TACOS hike as a part of Latino Conservation Week. Additional sponsors include REI Co-Op and Figueroa Brewing. To join in on the fun, contact Graciela Cabello for more information about the July 14th event and to reserve your spot:  Please make sure to RSVP by Thursday, July 12th. Event limited to 25 people.

This week has been designed to promote conservation efforts in our local community, and provide an opportunity for Latinos to show their support for permanently protecting our environment and access to nature.

Latino Conservation Week 2018

Latino Conservation Week: Disfrutando y Conservando Nuestra Tierra is an initiative of Hispanic Access Foundation.

Latino Conservation Week 2017

Latino Conservation Week 2017

Latino Conservation Week 2017
