Ellwood Mesa Recreational User Survey 2015

UCSB Coastal FundThis study was conducted to compile information on the different types and intensities of recreational uses that occur on the Ellwood Mesa. Trails and coastal access are an important recreational activity in Santa Barbara County and coastal open spaces, such as the Ellwood Mesa, West Campus Bluffs, open lands around the Devereux Slough, Douglas Family Preserve, and Carpinteria Bluffs, receive substantial public use. This study is intended to provide public agencies and community organizations with fact-based observations about the type and level of recreational uses of key public coastal open spaces, as well as the public’s attitudes toward such open space. This information can help guide management of these open spaces and planning decisions regarding future protection and acquisition of such areas for recreational use.

Our 6 page report can be downloaded here. Funding for the study was provided by the UCSB Associated Students Coastal Fund.
