Marque | - Part 8

Trail Maintenance at Gaviota State Park

The Beach to Backcountry Trail extends from the beach at Gaviota State Park to near the Vista de las Cruces School.  It's one of most beautiful trails on the Gaviota Coast.  Right now it is also one of the brushy-est trails, especially on the connector from beach to back country.  We will be focusing on the connector and working our way toward the back of the wind caves. Come join us on...
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Santa Barbara County Coastal Clean-up Day 2013

Coastal Cleanup Day is an annual volunteering event to clean up Santa Barbara County's beaches. It takes place on the third Saturday in September each year. This year's event on Saturday, September 21, 2013! Twenty-five beaches are listed on the County's Public Works Department web site so be sure to check it out to learn about event details and volunteer to clean-up your favorite beach. Over the...
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Trail Funding in Recent Years

On August 28th County Riding and Hiking Trails Advisory Committee (CRAHTAC) gave a briefing to the County Planning Commission regarding concerns about the draft Gaviota Coast Plan. The presentation provided guidance on the elements they believe are missing from the plan and require the Planning Commission to take action. Goal — A clear goal to expand recreation and trails Objectives —...
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Gaviota Coast Recreation Survey

[update:  This survey is no longer active. Thank you for participating] The Santa Barbara County Trails Council is preparing a California Coastal Trail and Access Study for a 20 mile-long segment of the rural Gaviota Coast. The Study identifies trail easements, coastal access points to unspoiled beaches, and scenic mesas to complete a major coastal hiking trail along this a pristine of...
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Gaviota Coast Draft Plan Hearings

. Protect Gaviota Coast Public Access The Santa Barbara County Planning Commission hearings held on June 11th and 26th addressed the Recreation section of the draft Gaviota Coast Plan, which will in effect set trail policy along the Gaviota Coast for the next couple of decades. The hearings were an opportunity for community members to speak in support of the positive aspects of the draft Gaviota...
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