Send a Selfie Postcard

Secure Coastal Access and Trails —

The fate of coastal access and the location of the California Coastal Trail on Gaviota’s Las Varas Ranch has moved from the County Planning Commission to the Board of Supervisors. This is a rare opportunity to let our elected officials know how important outdoor recreation is to county residents and the importance of securing coastal access and a bluff-top trail location.

On February 17th, the Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors will consider how to provide public access to and along 2 miles of scenic shoreline on Gaviota’s Las Varas Ranch, including the location of California Coastal Trail and beach access. This is the second time the Planning Commission has made a motion to send the development project on to the Board of Supervisors without approving the it. Please join us in sending the ultimate in personalized messages to the Board of Supervisors: a real postcard with your selfie image.

Do It the Easy Way

Send a photo, your name and city to [here] and we will take care of everything. We will send the message below with your photo to the Board of Supervisors. Afterwards, we will follow-up with an email showing you how both sides of the card look.

California Coastal Trail Through GaviotaStill Easy...Do it Yourself

Below we have listed the steps to send a post card online. Follow the instructions to send for free or create your own account.

Send for Free | Printing and postage paid by Trails Council


  1. Go to [popup url="" height="800" width="1200" scrollbars="yes" alt="popup"][/popup]
  2. Click “sign-in” at the top. Sign in with this email: and this password: openspace2014
  3. Tap “Send Postcards”.
  4. Choose a photo: you can send a “selfie” or any image from your computer.
  5. Tap "Next" to add your message (adding “TEXT” is optional)

Please copy and paste the following message:

Dear Supervisors,

I strongly support the County requiring a bluff top location for the California Coastal Trail and protection of bluff top open space as part of development of the Las Varas Ranch! Please urge the Planning Commission to explore creative tools to acquire bluff top open space and the Coastal Trail.

[add your name], [add city name]

Note that the message is annoyingly limited to 14 lines.

  1. Tap "Next" to add the address.
  2. Select Supervisor Wolf’s address from the address book by clicking on it. All five supervisors will receive a message sent to her.
  3. That's it! Tap "Next" to see a preview and then "Send" to send your postcard !

If you have any questions or issues, you can send them to us [here]. If you would like to learn more about the proposed project and its development plans please see our Las Varas Ranch Development Reports

preview of postcard

Example showing postcard preview
